Sunday, October 08, 2006

something cool

I just happened to catch the celebration as the Detroit Tigers baseball club closed out the New York Yankees in the ALDS here in 2006. To see the players come back out of the clubhouse, champagne bottles in hand, and share the celebration with the fans, to spray them with that cherished of things as series winning alcohol was if I may say bluntly pretty damn cool.

It was so refreshing to see the players just be human. The connected with their fellow humans who all had come together in one common cause. Sure it is just sports but in those moments all those people in that stadium were a part of something greater than just themeselves. How many times in our lives to we really get to feel part of something like that? I know we all yearn for that. It is a universal human truth.

I am sure religous fellows might point to their beliefs and practices. I understand that when done from a unjudgemental place this is indeed greater than any celebration a sport can give us. However with as cluttered as most of us are, as burdened and biased our lives become sometimes sport is how we can get that feeling if only in a very small portion.

In Detroit they got even more than they bargained for, more than they hoped because a group of men paid so much to play just a game decided in a moment to not be anything more than happy human beings wanting to share their happiness with as many other humans as they could.

Just simply something cool.

PS... I have neglected this area of writing to long, I will endevor to not do so again.


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